Website for the Free Library of Philadelphia, its programs, resources, and services. One of the largest public library systems in the world, FLP has established its Internet presence to enhance and extend its services to the citizens of Philadelphia, the Delaware Valley, and beyond.

Connecting to UF Library Resources from Off Campus. Off-campus access to eResources: restricted to UF students, faculty, and staff UF Libraries purchase special licenses for electronic items such as eJournals and articles, eBooks, databases, and other digitally available materials, so off-campus access to these materials is limited to the students, faculty, and staff of the University of Florida. Virtual Private Network (VPN) NOTE: Please connect to library e-resources via the Cisco VPN rather than the new beta Prisma Access/GlobalProtect VPN, while some technical issues are worked out. Connecting with mobile devices: Virtual Private networking (VPN)Gad & Birgit Rausing Library has successfully implemented the VPN to facilitate off campus access to library e-resources. VPN allows you to make a secure, encrypted connection to the University network. When you have started the VPN client, a secure 'tunnel' is created between your computer and the University network. The LUMS VPN server will now serve as the Jul 01, 2020 · How can I access Himmelfarb Library's databases, e-texts, and e-journals using VPN ? GW's VPN, AnyConnect, works by allowing your computer to function as though it is on the GW campus. Therefore, you can access Himmelfarb Library's databases, e-texts, and e-journals directly from Himmelfarb Library's website without any additional logins. About VPN. VPN (Virtual Private Network) is like a tunnel created between your computer or device to the campus network. Using a VPN connection will allow your off-campus computer or mobile device to appear as if it is on the campus network. This will allow access to most library subscription databases, electronic journals, and electronic books. The campus VPN service allows you to connect your computer to the campus network as if you were physically on campus. The client VPN allows you to authenticate one time, with access to all library resources as long as you remain logged in. To use the client VPN, you will need to download and install a small application. Download the client VPN

vpn faq The Student Technology Service in Moffitt Library will help UC Berkeley students, faculty and staff configure their laptop, or other portable device to use the campus VPN client. You can make an appointment online.

vpn faq The Student Technology Service in Moffitt Library will help UC Berkeley students, faculty and staff configure their laptop, or other portable device to use the campus VPN client. You can make an appointment online.

The default option is Split Tunnel. To access Library resources pick the Library Access and Full Tunnel option. Use the VPN client: Always choose the Library Access and Full Tunnel option. Always run the VPN before using article databases, electronic journals, etc. Disconnect the VPN when your session is finished. Who may use the VPN:

To gain access to secure library resources, follow these instructions on how to install and use GlobalProtect VPN on your desktop, laptop, or smartphone. Note that the campus Cisco AnyConnect VPN is decommissioned as of July 1, 2020. If you were using this VPN, you will need to install the GlobalProtect VPN. For Mac users