2018-1-21 · 2年半以前苹果发布iPad Pro的时候,首批支持的专业App当中并没有Photoshop这款国人耳熟能详的软件,甚至Office套件也是在当年底才上架的。2年半以后的今天,没有人再关心某款软件是否出现在App Store里了,因为你的任何专业需求都可以在iPad

2018-10-18 · @苹果手机用户:注意这个图标,事关你隐私! 苹果加入了新的数据与隐私信息页面,让用户在登录或开始使用新功能之前,能比以往更容易地了解到苹果将如何使用用户的个人信息。 20款超实用快捷指令:iPhone效率瞬提N倍 - … 2019-4-11 · 17、扬声器排水用过 Apple Watch 的读者应该知道它有一个入水锁定的功能,可以通过播放特定的音频排出扬声器开孔周围的水分,这款捷径实现的也是同样的效果,可以让你的手机在沾水后可以更进一步进行清理。18、网易云音乐歌词获取 Windows 10正式版上手体验:一款接地气的系统_ …

2017-7-25 · 新京报快讯(记者李丹丹)近期以来,中国政府对VPN(虚拟专用网络)的管理成为外界关注焦点。在今日国新办的发布会上,工业和信息化部新闻发言人

Mar 25, 2020 · Apple may have to do this, because, other than commerical advantage, its seemingly regular appearance of VPN impairing flaws in iOS could be construed as a curiously coincidental benefit to intelligence agencies, which constantly seek to compromise major operating systems so as to conduct clandestine surveillance of individuals. Jul 14, 2020 · Ranked #3 VPN for Apple TV. CyberGhost VPN is a budget service VPN that unblocks Netflix in the US, UK, France, and Germany.It also has a SmartDNS tool, just like ExpressVPN and Surfshark, which makes using CyberGhost a lot easier on Apple TV. We put the brains of iPhone 11 Pro in the body of iPhone SE. A13 Bionic is the fastest chip ever in a smartphone, period. So everything feels fluid, whether you’re launching apps, playing the latest games, or exploring new ways to work and play with augmented reality.

It's time to upgrade to the central place for staff to create Apple IDs and access everything you need to deploy devices in your institution. Upgrade to Apple School Manager Continue to the Education Store

Mar 26, 2020 · Discovered by popular VPN service Proton, Apple iOS 13.4 contains a security vulnerability which prevents your data from being secured when using a VPN on your iPhone. Proton explains that iOS 13