java - How to configure port for a Spring Boot application

java - How to configure port for a Spring Boot application When spring boot application starts, the embedded server such as Tomcat starts with a default port. The embedded tomcat starts with 8080 port as default. There are many ways to change default server port. Using Property File (.properties/.yml) To change server port using property file, we need to configure server.port property. a. Windows Server 2012 - Opening File Sharing Ports - Powered Jan 22, 2015

Jun 16, 2020

Internet firewalls can prevent browsing and file sharing Apr 17, 2018 File Service Protocol - Wikipedia

In computer networking, Server Message Block (SMB), one version of which was also known as Common Internet File System (CIFS / s ɪ f s /), is a network communication protocol for providing shared access to files, printers, and serial ports between nodes on a network. It also provides an authenticated inter-process communication mechanism. Most usage of SMB involves computers running Microsoft

How to Create a File Share in Windows Server 2016 Sep 05, 2018 java - How to configure port for a Spring Boot application When spring boot application starts, the embedded server such as Tomcat starts with a default port. The embedded tomcat starts with 8080 port as default. There are many ways to change default server port. Using Property File (.properties/.yml) To change server port using property file, we need to configure server.port property. a. Windows Server 2012 - Opening File Sharing Ports - Powered