ORA-12543: TNS:destination host unreachable

Id 486 Alert ICMP Destination Unreachable Communication with Destination Host is Administratively Prohibited Classification misc-activity Understanding the Ping and Traceroute Commands - Cisco Nov 29, 2006 VMware - Destination host unreachable |VMware Communities Feb 23, 2014 [SOLVED] Destination host unreachable - CentOS Aug 04, 2011

Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) has a variety of

networking - Host unreachable and I do not get why - Unix Destination Host Unreachable messages come from a lack of a route in the routing table. The next time you have this problem try looking at your routing table with route – resmon6 Mar 29 '12 at 14:57. Thanks for the comments! Now that this issue is mysteriously fixed, I can not test this. But I'll get back here when it happens again. Destination Host Unreachable – Reasons and Fixes – HeelpBook

Destination Host Unreachable vs Request Timed Out : 네이버 블로그

Ping from the host is OK though. I try to gain some hints by capturing packets on the VirualBox-Host-Only-Network adapter with wireshark. And I see some ICMP packets sent from to which tell me "Destination unreachable (Host administratively prohibited… ICMP Destination Unreachable (Host administratively Apr 24, 2013 cant ping vRouter from other hosts: Destination Host Hey guys, i stuck in an other wired problem. I set up pike rdo on latest centos 7, with ip tables because neutron hate firewalld, linuxbridge, 1 externalnet (public)1 internalnet (mgmt, data), 1 api node, 1 networknode and couple computes. I had it running on juno an kilo, but was using network-computenode hybrid in all the releases in between.