2020-2-8 · Chinese President Xi Jinping spoke over phone with U.S. President Donald Trump on Friday morning. Since the outbreak of the novel coronavirus epidemic, the Chinese government and people have been making all-out efforts to battle the disease, Xi said.

Chinese student praised for inspiring US graduation speech Receiving her Master of Science in Math Finance from Boston University, Cai Yujing, who comes from Nanjing city in east China's Jiangsu Province, spoke about her hometown and family members present at the ceremony, and then shared her 6-year experience … Mike Pence's speech arouses laughter on China's social When President Trump spoke, the whole world laughed; when Pence spoke, Chinese netizens laughed, said a Chinese netizen. But now the jokes are over, and it's time for China to get back to the serious work of addressing the problems the country still has to solve along its path towards development. Because, regardless of Pence's barrage of CHINA TODAY


President backs SAR’s handling of HK …

Xi also spoke of the need to make more efforts on the development of crime prevention and control system, which is multifaceted and features IT application. Describing mafia-like gangs as "the cancer of society", Xi vowed to maintain high-handed pressure and continue to crack down on such crimes to achieve a three-year term target.

China's reform and opening up efforts highly valued in LONDON, Sept. 13 (Xinhua) -- Some of the most renowned British scholars on Thursday spoke highly of China's reform and opening up policy which, initiated 40 years ago, continues to transform the county itself and impact the world at large.