Note: To share files using Smart Share, the PC and the TV must be on the same network, ex. Smith Family Wi-Fi. This first box is information that says we are not collecting any network information. Click the OK button to continue. Now you'll see the screen that you will see everytime you restart the program.

Share Files and Folders Over a Network in Windows 10 Jul 01, 2018 How to Enable Network Discovery and Configure Sharing Depending on your network sharing settings, this folder and its contents can also be accessed by all other computers and devices that are part of the same network. To turn on Public Folder Sharing, follow these steps: Open Settings. The Settings window appears. Click Network & Internet. Your network and Internet related settings are shown. How to Connect Two Computers Through a Network Apr 16, 2020 How to set up network file sharing on Windows 10

Before you proceed make sure you have IP setup in both windows PC and MAC system and note …

How to connect Mac and Windows 10 PC and share files over Here's how to connect a Mac and a Windows 10 PC and share files over a network. See also: macOS vs Windows 10 comparison. Run Windows 10 on your Mac using VirtualBox.

Nov 20, 2013 · 1. Share Common Internet via WiFi. In this IT World, Sharing data and network facilities over Bluetooth and WiFi are very useful. As it lets you to share a lots files and services. For these connections, we don’t need any additional hardware to work as tunnel between devices like USB Cable.

How to Share a PC Internet Connection WIth an Android Dec 19, 2013 Share Windows Folders with Android Over Local Network