Apr 20, 2020

OSX | PHLX Oil Service Index Advanced Charts | MarketWatch Jul 20, 2020 Configure Apple Mail for Office 365 | University IT Feb 07, 2020 How to rebuild a user account in OS X - CNET

Customizing TrackPad Settings in OSX | IT Services

Settings for Previous versions of OSX. Apply these settings to /etc/sysctl.conf, and reboot: # SX default of 3 is not big enough net.inet.tcp.win_scale_factor=8 # for 10G hosts it would be nice to increase this too, but # 4G seems to be the limit for some OSX installations kern.ipc.maxsockbuf=16777216

End-users will automatically be prompted to install the profile via the Mac OS X System Preferences app (the Mac equivalent of Settings). After successful enrollment, Mac devices will appear in the Company Portal website alongside the user's other enrolled devices.

Setup your email or edit email settings on OSX 10.10 Use these how-to instructions to set up your CenturyLink email on OSX 10.10 Yosemite. How to Configure Network Proxy Settings for OSX - Serverlab